Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ruidoso - 20 months...more pictures

 Me and my sweet boy!
 My sweet sweet boys

Ruidoso - 20 months!

David & Beverlee planted this tree in honor of Declan's birth. :)

I think I probably say this every post, but I cannot believe how much Declan has grown! Sometimes, I feel like he's grown and changed overnight! He is a very curious little boy. Which is fitting because his most favorite is Curious George! He is so fun right now and as always, so happy. His little brain is just amazing. He is talking so well and busy. Oh, so very busy! Matt was in Artesia for work so we flew down and went for a visit too. For the weekend, we went to Trinket & G Paw's cabin in Ruidoso. We had such a wonderful time. It was really nice to get away for a few days! Declan loved all the birds. I pointed out a deer to him and he said "Daisey!" Anything with 4 legs is a dog. :) But after I told him it was a deer, he had it down. And if you ask him what a bear says, he growls. So cute.